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Bursted Wood Primary School

Bursted Wood
Primary School

Rights Respecting School

Rights Respecting School



At Bursted Wood Primary School, we are proud to be a Rights Respecting School and of having achieved the


SILVER: Rights Respecting Award


Our whole school community - children, parents and staff - are committed to our journey to become a

Gold Rights Respecting School.  


We are very pleased to announce that Bursted Wood Primary School is to be awarded the Silver Rights Respecting School Award by UNICEF UK.

Silver Rights Respecting Report

Silver Rights Respecting Certificate

Unicef Rights of the Child


UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children and their rights. The Rights Respecting Schools Award is granted to schools that show commitment to promoting and realising children’s rights and encouraging adults, children, and young people to respect the rights of others in school. Silver is given to schools that make excellent progress towards embedding the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into its ethos and curriculum.


The Award recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of our school’s planning, policies and practice. A Rights Respecting School is a community where children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted and we are very proud to be on the journey to becoming a Gold Rights Respecting School.



Newsletter - Spring 2024.pdf


We believe that one of our key roles is to foster curious learners who know that they have a right to have their voice heard, which is why the Unicef Convention of the Rights of the Child sits at the heart of our curriculum and day-to-day life. 


We are committed to making our pupils responsible and passionate advocates for their rights, and the rights of others, using the Unicef rights as a common thread throughout every aspect of our school life.


From our corridor displays, class charters to our assemblies and thought-provoking lessons, rights are at the heart of our school. 


We are proud that:

  • Our Rights Respecting Steering Group - The School Council - are passionate about publicising and embedding the rights across all aspects of school life. 
  • Our Eco Warrior committee is instrumental in leading positive change to improve the school and local environment.
  • Our team of trained Play Leaders inspire the key rights linked to inclusive play for all through their recreational activities and support. 
  • Our whole school community - children, parents and staff - are committed to our journey to become a Silver Rights Respecting School this year. 

Unicef and the Child Rights Convention