Bursted Wood Primary School Trust Board
Trustee Committees and Membership
download_for_offlineTrustee Committees and Membership
- Trustee Diversity Statement download_for_offline
download_for_offlineTrustee Diversity Statement
- Trustee Meeting Attendance download_for_offline
download_for_offlineTrustee Meeting Attendance
- Trustee Register of Interests and Terms of Office download_for_offline
download_for_offlineTrustee Register of Interests and Terms of Office
Chair of Trustees
Mrs Shirley Puxty
Vice Chair
Mr Chris McCallum
Miss Helen Charman
Representing the Local and Business Community
Mr Matthew Baker
Miss Chloe Dyer
Mrs Tina Futcher-Smith
Mr Chris McCallum
Mrs Joyce Odunsi
Parent Trustees
Mrs Ashleigh Heath
Mr Steve Hollander
Staff Trustees
Mr Neil Atley
Mrs Danika Monk
Bursted Wood Members
Professor Pippa Catterall
Dr Paul Breen
Mrs Shirley Puxty
The Chair of the Trustees can be contacted through:
Bursted Wood Primary School
Swanbridge Road, Bexleyheath, Kent. DA7 5BS
or by emailing
The Governance Professional can be contacted through:
T: 07751 588 777
- Trustee Diversity Statement download_for_offline
Social Media