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Bursted Wood Primary School

Bursted Wood
Primary School

Financial Information


You can view our school on the Schools Financial Benchmarking Service here:



Please see our most recent annual accounts below. 



Executive Pay

Publication of executive pay Sep 2022 - Aug 2023


As per the Academies Financial Handbook, Trusts must publish on its website, in a separate readily accessible format, the number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100k, in £10k bandings, for the previous year ended 31 August.


‘The trust must publish on its website in a separate readily accessible form the number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100k, in £10k bandings, for the previous year ended 31 August. Benefits for this purpose include salary, employers’ pension contributions, other taxable benefits and termination payments. Where the academy trust has entered into an off-payroll arrangement with someone who is not an employee the amount paid by the trust for that person’s work for the trust must also be included in the website disclosure where payment exceeds £100k as if they

were an employee.


These figures are not indicative of an annual gross salary as they also include employers’ pension contributions.


Salary Range Bandings

Number of Staff

£100k - £109k


£110k - £119k


£120k - £129k


£130k - 139k