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Bursted Wood Primary School

Bursted Wood
Primary School

Admissions and Appeals

Admissions and Appeals

Please find below information on our Admissions Policy and the Appeals procedure.

However, please do contact us in the first instance, if you have any questions regarding either documents. To contact us, ring the main school number or email: admin@burstedwood.school


To apply for a school place (Reception or In-Year), parents need to apply to Bexley Council Admissions Team via the eAdmissions form: https://www.eadmissions.org.uk/



Primary School admissions: https://www.bexley.gov.uk/services/schools-and-education/primary-schools/starting-primary-school

Information on online applications: https://www.bexley.gov.uk/services/schools-and-education

In-Year admissions: https://www.bexley.gov.uk/services/schools-and-education/year-applications/applying-school-year



Admissions Appeals Timetable 2025



Summer Born Children Starting School - Advice for Parents